5th International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security (SUSTAIN 2014)

Dear Authors

On behalf of the SustaiN Society, we would like to announce call for
papers of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human
Security (SUSTAIN 2014). We are pleased to invite you to participate
and/or submit your research works in to our conference.

For your information, the Sustain Society consists of experts, academics,
practitioners and bureaucrats who are motivated by the awareness of a
social responsibility to achieve a sustainable future for Human Security.
The activities of the Sustain Society derive from an inter-disciplinary
approach and understanding that the most serious problems affecting a
sustainable future for human security cannot be discussed and solved by a
“siloed” approach. So far, one of the main activities of the Sustain
Society is to organize a peer-reviewed international conference called
SustaiN Conference (http://sustain-conference.com/), and to publish the
conferences’ output. From 2010 up to 2013, SUSTAIN conference was
successfully held in Kyoto, Japan.

The main topics for SUSTAIN Conference encompasses:
1. Energy and Environment (EnE)
2. Sustainable Tropical Forest (STF)
3. Sustainable Agriculture (SA)
4. Sustainable built environment in tropical hemisphere countries (BE)
5. Disaster Management (DM)
6. Social and Politics (SP)

SUSTAIN conference is a peer-reviewed conference. Selected papers at the
conference will be published either in the Procedia Environmental
Sciences, Elsevier ISSN: 1878-0296 Scopus Index or in the International
Journal of Sustainable Future for Human Security ISSN: Online 2187-4506;
Print 1884-8850.

Important Dates :
Deadline extended abstract, June 30, 2014
Deadline full paper, August 15, 2014

Conference Date : 19-21 November 2014
Venue : Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel & Suites, BALI, INDONESIA

Side Events :
Academic writing - international publication and presentation
Workshop on international career - from local to global
Undergraduate Student Idea Competition
Bali Cultural program

Further detail can be found in the website: www.sustain-conference.com
Further inquiries, please send email to: secretariat@sustain-conference.com

We are sincerely hoping that you can help us circulate this call for
papers to your colleagues and/or students.

Looking forward to meeting you in SUSTAIN 2014, BALI, INDONESIA.
Thank you very much.

Best regards,
SustaiN Conference 2014
